Working in a team means a couple of things:
- Figuring out who can help you with what and vice versa.
- Exposing your strengths and weaknesses to others.
- Sharing
- … And many more
When working together, it feels like you’re in a relationship, which it basically is. All good relationships have fundaments created together. It should not always be work. Doing fun things together thickens that bond.
Playing a game is more than just playing a game.
A good example of this is increasing the fun factor of a retrospective. A retro has some straight forward goals to achieve, but at least increase the fun. – An example is the Star Wars retro.
You might find that playing a game as a team can result in positive effects greater than eating 🍕 together.
Playing games in a team allows you to further explore each other. It should be seen as a tool – and as with all tools, they serve a purpose but don’t provide the solution -.
Tastycupcakes is a great place to start with games.